Category: Uncategorized

  • Life atop the whale

    Atop the shell of a blue whale, we enjoy a peaceful journey. We drift across volatile seas on stable wings. We watch the fishes swim beside a spout that cures all ills. We catch all sorts of spells, from here, from there. Witches abound the deep seas beneath the whale, they cast their magic, traveling…

  • Honor Him

    “All the current discourse that occurs around social justice, what the world should be like, what kind of utopia we should exist in and other arguments for pure equality can really be reduced to an individual mental war occurring in the minds of these people. An individual, internal battle that we all fight on the…

  • The power of phronesis, the practical motor of the mind

    Practical principles are the boundaries which govern one’s life. They exist subconsciously within our lived experience, and they are reflected by all of our actions to a differing degree. For instance, we can contrast the life of a person who criticizes everything with a person who is able to genuinely recognize positivity in their life.…

  • Doctor Faustus Chapter IV: Call the devil, the devil speaks

    The two tattered souls began to follow the young doctor, who met up with the young Mathilde at the exit. The good doctor watched and listened attentively as he kept up with the pace of his youthful self. The young doctor seemed much less self-assured and cocky than before. They conversed about the interests of…

  • Doctor Faustus Chapter III: The Age of Innocence Revisited

    “Take me back there, years ago in Germany, so recent in my mind,” the good doctor asked of the demonic being. “Very well. I shall let you stake your claim on the past one again.” “Where there is smoke there is fire, so I shall take you back to where your passion was first ignited,”…

  • Doctor Faustus Chapter II: Hand in Earth, Hand in Hell

    The good doctor took his last few moments of holiness looking at his notes preparing for what was to come. “No more princes and princesses”, he thought. “I’m going to create Gods that are beasts and beasts that are God, and revel in our degeneracy”. This endeavor would take the summoning of just courage. Doctor…

  • Not all that glitters is gold (literary aphorism)

    I’ve got a sample of iridium sitting on a stove. A rare metal with a faint glow. It came from a process that started years ago, if anything really ever does start or end. Everything used to be boiling lava. Even the ink I’m using to write these words. There’s a romanticism to that. Everthing…

  • Doctor Faustus the unbounded, Chapter 1

    Doctor Faustus walked through his study, pacing and looking at his jarred plant specimens. Broken roses, vines and thorny creatures populated the shelves of his study. For some reason, the doctor seems as if he’s caught lightning in a bottle. Suddenly, the side door opens, which brings his brisk pace to a controlled walk. A…

  • On Oppenheimer

    Dr. Oppenheimer was a man with a chip on his shoulder and a point to prove. He was an experimentally weak scientist, who had been ridiculed for his ideas early on in his career. Quantum theory was only an exciting field in Europe with its early adopters (Bohr, Heisenberg…). He knew there was an uncanny…

  • A sold set of eyes (short story)

    I woke on a summer’s morning that felt equal parts joyful and sticky. The Sun shone through the window of my blue chamber. I got up and did my usual process, I put on my hat and my blazer, which I thought fit my bushy beard nicely. Truthfully, I was nervous about giving a good…