

That is what my sentences normally begin with. Always an expression of oneself. An assertion of the reality of the self. An explicitation of the concealed inner world.

Our mind branches out the world into different paths, with intrusive thoughts blocking our steps.

An intrusive thought comes into my mind. A breath from another time. A collage of images, emotions and desires thrown into my mind’s eye’s direct view. A thought that the branch I am climbing on now is rotten, while the one I watch strethces out into the infinite.

Such are the models provided by the mind. Projections of events as trees branching out. We do that so we know what path is the best for us. The one that will help us have happiness.

However, we cannot really see what branches stretch on, and which ones are cut short. We just have to make sure to grab another when we fall.

And when we fall, we must know, it just happens. It is the sudden lack of the branch we have been depending on. There’s no mistaking it.

When those shiny, seemingly beautiful branches appear, with their bright flowers, remember, their petals may well be poisonous and their fibers loose. The beauty seen within the branch is the beauty within us. The urge to to try for beauty in itself. Our striving for it. It is all within us, and its expression within arm’s reach.

This blog is for all those who struggle with self-doubt. A reminder to have courage in life, as not choosing any branch is the same as staying on the same one for life.